Make Room

My wife and I moved into a small one bedroom apartment after selling our nearly 2400 square foot house this past July. Neither of us like to clean or make home improvements, so we have loved living in our new tiny place! When we made the move, we removed so much clutter from our old home knowing that there wasn’t space for it at our new apartment.

Fast-forward a few months to October and we found out that we have a new little baby girl on the way. We are ecstatic, but we also realized quickly that our one bedroom apartment isn’t going to be big enough for the three of us. We are on a waiting list now to get into a two bedroom apartment that will allow for the baby to have her own room with a crib, rocker, changing table, and everything else her grandparents are dying to buy her!

While we love the size of our tiny apartment, we know that we have to make room for our new little one. Sometimes, our spiritual life feels like my next housing move. I can become complacent in the easiness of my “one bedroom apartment spiritual life.” So often, God wants to do a work in us, but we have to make room for him. We have to make room for the new life God wants to bring us.

Taking time to read scripture or singing worship music in the car are such great practical ways to make room, but I often find that making room always starts with prayer. A prayer that centers my heart around surrender.

If you find yourself in a similar place of needing to make room, here are some things that you can pray: come clean and repent, invite God into your daily life, not just your quiet time, and ask God to renew your heart and to make you like Him. God wants to do a work in you and all you need to do is make room for Him.

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