When we MAKE ROOM for more of God we are filled with more from God.
We are so excited to be able to take this next step with our campus as we unite together to make room for more! Throughout the journey of TrueNorth Church, God has taught us over and over again that when we make room, His blessings always follow. Faith grows, lives are changed, more people are reached, and the generosity of God's people increases whenever we make room for more of God and less of ourselves. We can't wait to have you along with us in this journey as we commit ourselves and our resources to the vision God has for TrueNorth.
To complete a digital commitment card, CLICK HERE or text the keyword COMMITMENT to 803.279.1555.
We only ask that you give us an estimate of what you can contribute. This helps us plan for our future!
Tap the arrow on the right to see more information on how you can track your gifts.
You can track your gifts by logging in on the Online Giving page. Select “Manage” and then “My Giving” to:
- See the history of a current or previous recurring gift.
- Use the expand/collapse button to view your entire giving history at TrueNorth. Please note that some gifts may be under your spouse's name, if that applies. This only shows gifts given under your name.
- Download your giving statement. Click the "Download Statement" button to select the statement of your choice (current year to date, prior calendar year, or a custom date range). This will show all gifts from your household (ie: gifts given by both spouses).
- Change your password.
Every Gift Makes a Difference
The cost of this project is too great for a few people to bear. It will take all of us sacrificially giving together to continue to help us MAKE ROOM to reach others. We may not all give equal gifts but we can all give equal sacrifice as we practice the grace of giving generously to God's work. This chart is provided as a guide to help you see how your gift will compound over the length of our campaign.

Ways to Give
In person
You can give by cash or check on Sundays in one of the offering boxes located at the top of the stairs as you exit the auditorium.
Drop your gift in the mail to TrueNorth Church, 1297 West Martintown Road, North Augusta, SC 29841
bank draft
Most banks have a bill pay option that allows you to easily set up a one-time or recurring donation to TrueNorth.
You can use this secure link to give online (make sure the correct designation is selected).
With a one-time set up, you can text your amount to give right from your phone. To get started, Text “BUILDING” to 803-279-1555.
*With Online or Text-to-Give, you can set up a one-time or a recurring gift. If you choose to set up a recurring gift, follow the prompts accordingly (Ex: you commit to giving $10 each week to Make Room, so you would enter “10.00” in the donate box, select that it’s recurring, select the frequency of weekly, then select the start and end dates). On the next page, be careful to select the check box of either "Bank Account" or "Credit/Debit". You can even select if you would like to absorb the fees we incur from your transaction.