We believe everyone can find healing
Celebrate Recovery is a ministry for people who are hurting. It is made up of regular people who are on a journey toward wholeness; seeking recovery from and celebrating God’s healing of life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Trained leaders provide safe, confidential, Christ-centered groups where people can grow. They offer their stories as fellow travelers on the journey to healing.
If you struggle with a particular issue that seems to have such strength and power over you that it prevents you from experiencing any real victory, then we invite you to join us at Celebrate Recovery!
Many questions about Celebrate Recovery are answered in our FAQ section. If you need more details, please feel free to email cr@truenorthchurch.com.
If you struggle with a particular issue that seems to have such strength and power over you that it prevents you from experiencing any real victory, then we invite you to join us at Celebrate Recovery!
Many questions about Celebrate Recovery are answered in our FAQ section. If you need more details, please feel free to email cr@truenorthchurch.com.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Monday at 7:00pm at the TrueNorth campus (1060 West Martintown Road).
Childcare is available on site for kids from 6 weeks–5th grade at no cost.
Childcare is available on site for kids from 6 weeks–5th grade at no cost.
6-7pm: Dinner
Come early to enjoy a free meal and community.
Come early to enjoy a free meal and community.
7-8pm: Large Group
Everyone meets together for a time of worship then a testimony or teaching based on the 12 steps and recovery principles.
Everyone meets together for a time of worship then a testimony or teaching based on the 12 steps and recovery principles.
8-9pm: Open Share Groups
Gender-specific groups made up of participants with similar hurts, hang-ups and habits designed for more in-depth sharing of similar struggles.
Gender-specific groups made up of participants with similar hurts, hang-ups and habits designed for more in-depth sharing of similar struggles.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you mean by Hurts, Habits and Hangups?
You may be thinking that recovery is only for those with alcohol or drug problems. This could not be further from the truth. A hurt, habit or hang-up is anything that hinders your walk with God, including:
You may be thinking that recovery is only for those with alcohol or drug problems. This could not be further from the truth. A hurt, habit or hang-up is anything that hinders your walk with God, including:
Abuse: Physical, Sexual, Emotional
Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families
Alcohol Dependency
Chemical Dependency
Abuse: Physical, Sexual, Emotional
Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families
Alcohol Dependency
Chemical Dependency
Controlling Personality
Drug Dependency
Eating Disorders
Food Addictions
Controlling Personality
Drug Dependency
Eating Disorders
Food Addictions
Loss of Relationship
Nicotine Dependency
Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior
Loss of Relationship
Nicotine Dependency
Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior
Relationship Addiction
Sexual Addiction
Relationship Addiction
Sexual Addiction
What should I expect on my first visit?
If you are new to Celebrate Recovery or are a visitor, we invite you to attend the Newcomers Meeting after the large group time. You will receive a brief introduction to the program as well as an explanation of our meeting format.
How often does Celebrate Recovery meet?
We meet every week of the year.
Are the small groups really safe places for me to share my story?
Celebrate Recovery insists that certain guidelines apply during Open Share Groups and Step Study Groups. The guidelines are distinctive features of the ministry designed to create a safe environment for participants to share.
Do I have to be a member of your church to attend Celebrate Recovery Meetings?
No. You are not required to attend or be a member of our church. Celebrate Recovery is a ministry for anyone who is interested in a Christ-centered recovery or healing program.
Do I have to share in the open share or step study groups?
You will never be required to share in the Open Share Groups, but you are encouraged to. You can take as long as you need to feel safe enough to share. In the Step Studies, however, everyone is required to share as the group moves through the questions in the curriculum books.
What if I can’t make it to the meeting every week?
You are welcome to come whenever you can to the Large Group Meeting and Open Share Groups. However, if you join a Step Study, you will be expected to come each week until the curriculum is completed.
Who leads the groups?
Celebrate Recovery groups are not led by pastors, teachers or counselors. Instead, CR groups are facilitated by compassionate volunteers who have, by the grace of God, walked through a process of recovery from their own hurts, habits and hang-ups.
How does Celebrate Recovery differ from Alcoholics Anonymous?
Celebrate Recovery incorporates the 12 steps with a distinctly Christian approach. We also address many more issues than just alcoholism.
What if I don’t have an addiction, but I have been deeply affected by another person’s addictions? Can CR help me?
Yes. Celebrate Recovery also ministers to people who are affected by others who are battling addiction or some other destructive behavior. You are welcome to join us and gain support and wisdom.